Monday, December 2, 2013

Nova Monda Review

Recently, the Man and I took a trip to Lafayette, Colorado, where we had the pleasure of meeting Rich Bradfield, a Managing Member and Eco-entrepreneur at Nova Monda Cacao & Chocolate. They are located at 550 W South Boulder Road.

As many times as I have sampled chocolates over the years, I wasn’t as prepared as I thought I would be for the overall experience I had at Nova Monda. It was an incredible pleasure to learn about the exceptionally high standards of this company, and the Man and I sampled some top-rate chocolate. I was a little bit overwhelmed and blown away by the remarkable quality of the products by Nova Monda. It was also satisfying to indulge in some outrageously luscious chocolate, the kind of confections that make your mouth water just thinking about them. Nova Monda offers outstanding chocolates, cocoa and truffles. A bonus is that the chocolate is minimally processed, resulting in not only a tasty product but one that’s full of healthy flavonoids, flavanols and antioxidants. It feels good to eat, and you can feel good about consuming these items.

There’s no doubt that the people who run the company have found their calling. I believe that their passion spills out into their products. If any of you have read “Like Water for Chocolate”, you know the theory about how emotions and feelings can affect what we produce. You can almost taste the passion and dedication here. It’s infectious.

What struck me most about the entire Nova Monda line is the purity of the products. With this chocolate, you don’t have the distraction of too many added ingredients, so the taste of the natural chocolate emerges in a profound way. As with any good chocolate, there was little to no bitterness, even in the 80 percent chocolate bar, which was complex and intriguing. It’s the kind of chocolate that makes you want to explore it more and more each day. The properties are hard to define, as they seem to change with each sample. The flavor evolves as it melts in the mouth, first with notes of fruit and subtle wood and then with notes of earth and cocoa. It’s important to note, too, that each person will experience the chocolate differently. For example, the Man detected different notes and flavors than I did.

The Man and I even sampled some unsweetened chocolate that, while not your average snacking bar, was surprisingly palatable.

Here’s where I went a little bonkers…
It may not be the most sophisticated way to say this, but Oh My God! The sea salt almond truffles are Ahhhh Mazing. Wow. I absolutely LOVED them. I can’t even begin to explain how incredibly perfect these little goodies are. The layer of sea salt on top of the hand-dipped chocolate is brilliant, simply brilliant. It adds the perfect amount of crunch and saltiness to compliment the smooth and magnificent chocolate confection. The roasted almonds inside are fresh and add just the right amount of texture to the creamy filling that just happens to be dairy free. I believe there’s a little bit of magic in this truffle, as it seems almost impossible to create a treat this exquisite using so few ingredients.

 The jar chocolates were also quite remarkable. I had some trouble controlling myself while sampling these. One bite made me long for another until I finally ate enough to feel sufficiently satisfied and completely content in my chocolate haze. I had some fun stirring a bit of the Moontime chocolate into hot almond milk at home. The herbs used are not overly pronounced, which is good, because the chocolate flavor remains prominent. I can see why the Gold Label Ecuador Caco Jar Chocolate has won national acclaim. It’s divine. It has all the complexity of the bar chocolates but with a seductive, flirtatious quality about it. It’s the lovely texture combined with the interesting bouquet that makes this a must try for anyone who likes chocolate. Actually, all the jar chocolates are phenomenal. The coconut butter in them makes for a wonderful mouth feel, and the flavors are outstanding.

One important message I discovered is to know your chocolates. Take some interest in where the chocolate is sourced and what is added to the chocolate. If you are opposed to GMOs, check the label to see that there is no soy lecithin added. If you have food sensitivities, you might consider avoiding chocolates that list milk or milk products as ingredients. Above all, be aware of what you are consuming. Aim to buy from companies with solid morals and a good sense of ethics. With Nova Monda, you don’t have to worry. Your chocolate is in good hands.

After sampling wonderful chocolate, it’s nice to feel as soothed as having a gourmet meal with friends, complete with the best wine imaginable. There’s a scene near the end of Babette’s Feast in which people gather after having consumed such a meal. Eating Nova Monda gives me the same warm fuzzies as watching that particular part of the movie.

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